Intuitive Eating (IE) is for EVERYONE

Saying %22Intuitive Eating (IE) doesn't work for everyone%22 is really saying it doesn't always result in weight loss. That's missing the point..png

I recently read a blog post by another dietitian that said "Intuitive Eating (IE) doesn't work for everyone." I read this to be code for: IE doesn't always result in weight loss. This is 100% not the point of IE. We are all born intuitive eaters, so how could IE not "work?” Many of us lose our ability to eat intuitively at some point in life due to dieting/disordered eating, eating pressures or medical conditions, but we can reconnect with this innate ability by putting in the work of re-learning and unlearning. Re-learning involves learning how to gain attunement with the way our body uniquely communicates hunger, fullness, and satisfaction - the way most of us started out as eaters. Unlearning involves erasing the messages of diet culture that tell us only certain foods are healthy, not to eat too much and that our body size needs to change. 


IE is for EVERYONE. The point of IE is to re-connect to the body and eat in response to that mind-body connection. IE is not a diet or weight loss plan. Weight loss may occur when someone begins to eat more intuitively, but it may not. It is the pursuit of weight loss using external (rules, portions, rigid plans) rather than internal (hunger, satiety, satisfaction, emotion) direction that is harmful. It is harmful both mentally and physically, resulting in disordered eating behaviors and weight cycling. 


Here’s something this blog stated that clearly demonstrates a huge misunderstanding with IE, even among clinicians (esp. those that have not done IE training): "IE can be rigid in its permissiveness. Eat what you crave, but don’t you dare desire weight loss. Do this, but never do that. You can’t love and respect your body and still want to lose weight."

Here’s the Truth: Desire for weight loss can be completely distinct from the pursuit of weight loss. The pursuit focuses on the number or size and interrupts the ability to be intuitive and attuned. Someone can desire weight loss and give up the pursuit simultaneously.  It’s not about shaming the desire, but rather refocusing that desire and attention on the compassionate process of eating to fuel the body. I’ve seen clients come to body acceptance because it feels so much better to eat intuitively than to constantly be in a state of restriction and food preoccupation, but many still desire a different body size. Someone who has accepted their body and given up the pursuit can grieve the thin ideal while still feeding and fueling their body. Body acceptance is distinct from body love and there will still be ups and downs with body image across all body shapes and sizes.

To learn more about Intuitive Eating, I recommend the following: