Q & A: Why do I feel out of control around food? ⠀

Q: Why do I feel out of control around food? ⠀

A: Could it be that… you didn’t eat enough earlier in the day or the previous day? you did extra physical activity? you slept poorly? you have rules or negative thoughts associated with the food in question? ⠀

An underfed body will crave food in a primal way until needs are met, even when the calorie deficit is small. In fact, the landmark Minnesota Starvation Study conducted in the 40’s is prime example of this. The men enrolled in the study developed preoccupations with food that they did not previously have when they were subjected to a voluntary calorie restriction. In a short period of time, they developed disordered eating behaviors, including binging and sneaking foods. ⠀

Want to assess your relationship with food? Take the Intuitive Eating Assessment here.

So, one of the best ways to begin feeling more in control around food is to remove the rules and get adequate nourishment throughout the day. This may require the help of a professional - let’s talk. You can schedule a call using the button below.